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Bebauungspläne - rechtskräftig

Auf dieser Seite sind alle rechtskräftigen Bebauungspläne für das Stadtgebiet Jena einsehbar. Den zuständigen Ansprechpartner finden Sie jeweils beim Bebauungsplan.

B-Zw 03.1 Zwätzen-East (Zwätzen)

The development plan B-Zw 03.1 "Zwätzen-Ost" (Zwätzen) creates valid building law for the commercial development of Sradt Jena.
    • Zwätzen

B-Zw 04 Himmelreich Part I 1st and 2nd BA (Zwätzen)

The aim of the development plan B-Zw 04 "Himmelreich Teil I 1. und 2. BA" (Zwätzen) is to provide inexpensive municipal building land for broad sections of the population and to develop a variety of housing at the location.
    • Zwätzen

B-Zw 04 Himmelreich Part II 3rd BA (Zwätzen)

The aim of the 3rd construction phase of the building area "Himmelreich" is, as already with the overplanning of the first phases (1st and 2nd BA), the creation of residential building land under an orderly functional and urban development of this area.
    • Zwätzen

B-Zw 06 "Am Oelste - New housing Jena-Zwätzen" (Zwätzen)

The development plan "B-Zw 06 Am Oelste - Neues Wohnen Jena-Zwätzen" is intended to develop an independent residential area in a compact design with a high quality of living and amenities as well as sustainable traffic and urban development.
    • Zwätzen