Bebauungspläne - rechtskräftig
Auf dieser Seite sind alle rechtskräftigen Bebauungspläne für das Stadtgebiet Jena einsehbar. Den zuständigen Ansprechpartner finden Sie jeweils beim Bebauungsplan.
B-Lb 03 Camburger Straße Part I (Löbstedt)
B-Lb 03 Camburger Straße Part I - The aim of the development plan is to put the urban area to a new use
- Löbstedt
B-Wz 02, Jena-Winzerla, 2nd BA (Winzerla)
The old urban development plan was transferred to the development plan B-Wz 02 "Jena-Winzerla, 2. BA (Winzerla)".
- Winzerla
VBB-Am 02.1 Plant expansion Jenaer Antriebstechnik GmbH
Expansion of the company at the existing location
- Ammerbach
Architectural Advisory Board
Baukunstbeirat Stadtgestaltung und Denkmalpflege for the preservation or design of Jena's townscape
B-Am 01.1 In den Fichtlerswiesen (Ammerbach)
The development plan "B-Am 01.1 In den Fichtlerswiesen" was drawn up in order to develop the area into a residential location instead of the previously planned sports use.
- Ammerbach
B-Am 03 Am Hange (Ammerbach)
The development plan "B-Am 03 Am Hange" was drawn up to designate the area formerly used as farmland as a general residential area.
- Ammerbach
B-Bu 06 "Old Burgau Estate
The development plan was drawn up to take account of the constant demand for housing in Jena and the development of the population structure with an increasing proportion of older people.
- Burgau
B-Cam 03.1 Camburger Straße Part II - Technology Park (Löbstedt)
The development plan "B-Cam 03.1 Camburger Straße Teil II - Technikpark" was drawn up to provide settlement areas for commercial development.
- Löbstedt
B-Co 01 Im Wasserlaufe (Cospeda)
The development plan "B-Co 01 Im Wasserlaufe" was amended due to the increased demand for building land for residential purposes.
- Cospeda
B-Co 04 Parcel 69/1 (Cospeda)
The development plan "B-Co 04 Flurstück 69/1" was drawn up to meet the demand for building plots for the city of Jena.
- Cospeda