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Bebauungspläne - rechtskräftig

Auf dieser Seite sind alle rechtskräftigen Bebauungspläne für das Stadtgebiet Jena einsehbar. Den zuständigen Ansprechpartner finden Sie jeweils beim Bebauungsplan.

VE-Am 06.1 In den Zinsäckern (Ammerbach)

Instead of the residential and commercial building that was originally part of the vehicle maintenance facility project, three individual residential buildings with the associated development facilities are to be constructed.
    • Ammerbach

VE-Bu 01 Retail park Burgau (Burgau)

The development plan "VE-Bu 01 Fachmarktzentrum Burgau" was drawn up in order to create retail space with an appropriate assortment as a specialist store.
    • Burgau

VE-Im 04 In den halben Äckern (Ilmnitz)

The aim of the planning was the designation of building areas for small-scale housing construction, due to the urgent need for housing in the greater Jena area.
    • Ilmnitz

VE-JP 01 "In den Mühläckern" (Wogau)

The development plan VE-JP 01 "In den Mühläckern" created the legal planning conditions for the construction of a food market on the edge of Wogau.
    • Jenaprießnitz / Wogau