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Integrated energy district concepts

On 19.04.2023, the Jena City Council adopted the Climate Action Plan with seven thematic areas and over 70 individual measures. For the city of Jena, it is predicted that the greatest savings potential can be expected in the private household (space heating, hot water, electricity) and mobility (transport) sectors. The building sector therefore has a key role to play in implementing the energy transition and achieving the climate protection targets.

One measure in thematic area 2 "Climate-neutral buildings and districts" of the Climate Action Plan involves the identification and implementation of ten model districts for the energy-efficient refurbishment of existing buildings.

The focus of the measure is on neighborhoods in terms of energy-efficient refurbishment, i.e. those that are relatively homogeneous in terms of age, building condition and technical equipment. Both extensive, complex and smaller neighborhoods are eligible. This means that refurbishment requirements and savings potential are at a similar level, making them particularly suitable for the development and implementation of integrated solutions. In the long term, the aim is to develop transferable solutions for the climate-neutral refurbishment of existing buildings at neighborhood level.

Integrated energy district concepts show the technical and economic energy-saving potential, options for using renewable energies in the district supply and possibilities for adapting to climate change in the district, taking into account urban planning, monument preservation, building culture, nature conservation, housing, demographic and social aspects.

They show which measures can be used to reduce CO2 emissions in the short, medium and long term. The concepts form a central decision-making basis and planning aid for neighborhood-related investment planning geared towards the overall efficiency of energy measures. Statements on the age-appropriate refurbishment of the neighborhood, the reduction of barriers in existing buildings and in the municipal infrastructure, the development of new usage concepts for existing buildings can be just as much a part of the concepts as concepts for mixed neighborhoods through the combination of new construction and existing buildings or statements on the social structure of the neighborhood and the effects of the refurbishment measures on the residents.

Issues relating to the design of sustainable, climate-friendly mobility and a green infrastructure in the neighborhood as well as the use of digital technologies are also important components and should be included in integrated neighborhood concepts or can be addressed in this context (source: Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau [KfW]).

Wenigenjena model district (IEQW)

The first integrated energy concept is being developed for a neighborhood in the district of Wenigenjena. The aim of the concept is to establish Wenigenjena as a pioneer for future-proof and sustainable urban development. As a pilot project of the city of Jena's climate action plan, it is intended to promote climate-neutral buildings and neighborhoods.

The focus is on measures that:

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
  • increase energy efficiency,
  • increase the proportion of renewable energies.

The concept is also intended to improve the quality of life in the neighborhood: It shows how to create a pleasant urban climate that enhances public spaces and supports environmentally friendly mobility. It is also important to protect children, the elderly and people with health problems from the heat.

The district was selected because it is not subject to the city's district heating bylaws and is exemplary for the different types of areas in the city as a whole, making it easier to transfer the findings to other districts.

Public participation

The concept was developed together with the population and local stakeholders. Citizens were able to contribute their ideas in a workshop back in September 2023. This was supplemented by surveys in the neighborhood and discussions with housing companies and the district mayor at the time. The results and the necessary measures were presented and explained at a public event on 20.11.2024.

What happens next?

The concept is intended to serve as a guideline and action plan for the gradual conversion of the neighborhood. It is planned to implement the identified measures step by step in a second project phase with professional management and the involvement of all stakeholders. You can find the concept under Downloads.


Urban development department

Am Anger 26
07743 Jena