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Land use plan - update

To get you in the mood for the topic, please first take the time to read the "FAQ - frequently asked questions and answers (PDF)" on the land use plan (FNP).

Current procedural status of the FNP update

After the update of the land use plan was approved by the City Council on 15.11.2017 with the decision to initiate it(see Official Gazette 50/17 [PDF]), a "preliminary draft" planning status is now available. This consists of the following plan components:

  • Plan section
  • Explanatory statement
  • Environmental report

Early participation in the "preliminary draft" planning status took place from 20.02.2023 up to and including 31.03.2023 (phase 1). The public was given the opportunity to comment during this period. You can view the announcement of the early public consultation in the Official Gazette 06/23 (PDF).

The "draft" of the FNP updateis currently being prepared .

The next step is the participation of the public and public agencies in the FNP "draft" (phase 2). This will be published in the official gazette of the city of Jena.

Please get an overview of the most important legally prescribed procedural steps and the "Stages of the update (PDF)".

Obligation to draw up and update the land use plan

In accordance with Section 5 in conjunction with Section 1 (3) of the German Building Code (BauGB), the preparation and updating of the land use plan is a mandatory municipal task. The land use plan (FNP-2006), which has been effective since 2006, is updated as the framework conditions for urban development and the planning objectives are constantly evolving. The aim and purpose of the planning is to ensure long-term and sustainable municipal development against the backdrop of demographic change, the provision of housing in Jena, securing the city as a business location and the consequences of climatic changes.

Changes to the 2006 FNP

When the FNP-2006 was drawn up, the 2003 household and population forecast still assumed a declining population trend. Since then, Jena has developed from a shrinking to a growing city. The 2014 household and population forecast and the current 2019 forecast predict positive development trends for Jena. Due to the dynamic development in the regional center of Jena, the designation of new building areas will also have to be taken into account in the FNP update. Due to the limited amount of land available in Jena, a strategically sensible approach to land use is required. Priorities must be set here for sustainable economic and social development, taking ecological effects into account.

Consolidation of the sectoral development plans

The basis for the FNP update is the city's various sectoral development plans. These have been updated in recent years on the basis of the current population and budget forecasts and supported by the majority of city council resolutions.

In addition, the "Integrated Urban Development Concept Jena.2030+" (ISEK), which was drawn up in a broad-based coordination process and underpinned by a city council resolution, provides interdepartmental guidelines for future urban development. Corresponding recommendations for adapting the land use plan were compiled in the ISEK and serve as a basis for updating it.

A selection of important principles and specialist plans can be found here:

Opportunities for public participation in accordance with the German Building Code (BauGB)

The public is involved in the update process as part of the formal procedural steps in accordance with the German Building Code (BauGB). In accordance with the nationally prescribed procedure, the public and the authorities involved have the opportunity to comment in (at least) two different procedural steps as part of the preparation process:

  • Phase 1: Early participation in the "preliminary draft" planning status [Section 3 (1) BauGB] or [Section 4 (1) BauGB]
  • Phase 2: Public display of the "draft" [Section 3 (2) BauGB] or [Section 4 (2) BauGB]
Stage 1

In the early public participation phase, citizens are informed about the planning intentions. The objectives and purposes of the planning with regard to the spatial development of the city are presented in the "preliminary draft". The preliminary draft is made available to the public for this purpose. The method of early information will be announced in the official gazette. Further information is also available on the Internet. Citizens have the opportunity to submit comments on the preliminary draft during the public display period. The authorities and public agencies involved will be given the opportunity to comment.

All comments received are examined to determine in what form and to what extent they can be incorporated into the further development of the plan. This review process results in the plan "draft" (stage 2). The law does not provide for information on the result of the review or the type of consideration during the early public participation (stage 1). We therefore recommend that you follow the further planning procedure *. In particular, please check the "draft" plan (stage 2) presented in accordance with Section 3 (2) BauGB as part of the public participation process. This will give you another opportunity to comment if you wish.

Stage 2

In the second stage of public and official participation, the "draft" of the land use plan is put on public display. The location and duration of this public display are published in the official gazette at least one week in advance. Further information is also available on the Internet. Anyone can make suggestions regarding the draft during the public display period. The authorities and public agencies involved will be given the opportunity to comment. All comments on the "draft" (stage 2) are in turn examined in an extensive and complex process to determine in what form and to what extent they can be incorporated into the further development of the plan.

The result of the examination is presented to the city council for a decision; the city council weighs up the public and private interests (decision on weighing up). The result of the consideration is communicated in accordance with Section 3 (2) sentence 4 BauGB. Depending on the scope and complexity of the planning procedure, this may take some time.

* Notes

The dates of public displays are published in the official gazette of the City of Jena. The agendas of the city council are also regularly published in the official gazette. The official gazette can be accessed on the city's website. The city council's calendar of meetings, including all agendas, can be found here.

Information on the handling of your data can be found in this document: Information obligation according to Art. 13 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (PDF).

When can I participate?

There iscurrently no participation .

The early participation period for the "preliminary draft" planning status (participation phase 1) ended on 31.03.2023. The public display of the "draft" (participation phase 2) will be published in the official gazette of the city of Jena, among other places.


Team Fundamentals of urban development

Am Anger 26
07743 Jena

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