VBB-J 43 "Neue Carl-Zeiss-Promenade" (Jena-South)
- Initiation decision: 12.12.2018
- Public announcement of the initiation decision in the official gazette of the city of Jena no. 21/19: 30.05.2019
- Early public participation in accordance with Section 3 (1) BauGB: 18.06. - 05.07.2019
- Early participation of public bodies in accordance with Section 4 (1) BauGB: 17.06. - 19.07.2019
- Approval of the draft development plan and decision to display by the city council: 15.07.2020
- Public announcement of the decision to display in the official gazette of the city of Jena no. 27/20: 30.07.2020
- Public display of the draft development plan with explanatory statement in accordance with Section 3 (2) BauGB: 07.08. - 09.10.2020
- Participation of the public interest bodies in accordance with Section 4 (2) BauGB: 07.08. - 09.10.2020
- Decision on consideration by the city council: 19.05.2021
- Resolution on the articles of association by the city council in accordance with Section 10 BauGB: 19.05.2021
- Legal force through public announcement in the official gazette of the city of Jena no. 37/21: 16.09.2021
Plan content
The planning process laid the foundation for the subsequent commercial use of previously commercially used areas and the reorganization of development and stationary traffic.
In addition to a building complex for offices, administration, research/development and production, public and publicly usable pathways are also being created, including the new Carl Zeiss Promenade and the Sandweg Tunnel, which can be used by pedestrians and cyclists in future.
Realization status
Preparatory construction measures are currently underway. The project is to be implemented in stages. [As of September 2021]
Important note
The attached planning documents are for information purposes only. Only the legally binding copy of the plan that can be viewed at the urban planning department is authoritative.