Bebauungspläne - rechtskräftig
Auf dieser Seite sind alle rechtskräftigen Bebauungspläne für das Stadtgebiet Jena einsehbar. Den zuständigen Ansprechpartner finden Sie jeweils beim Bebauungsplan.
B-Is 04 Überm Anger (Isserstedt)
The development plan "B-Is 04 Überm Anger" was drawn up to create a further residential area.
- Isserstedt
B-Is 06 Überm Anger an der Straße (Isserstedt)
The development plan "B-Is 06 Überm Anger an der Straße" was amended or supplemented to incorporate new findings and revisions to the planning in the sense of village adaptation and renewal.
- Isserstedt
B-J 01 Southwest suburb / II. part (Jena-South)
The development plan "B-J 01 Südwest-Vorstadt / II. Teil" was drawn up to create additional building land in Jena.
- Jena-Süd
B-J 03 "Inselplatz" (centre)
This development plan creates building rights for a new university campus in the eastern city centre and mixed-use development on the streets Am Anger and Steinweg.
- Jena-Zentrum
B-J 21V North bridge (Wenigenjena)
B-J 21V Nordbrücke (Wenigenjena) - The planning included the construction of the Nordbrücke (today Wiesenbrücke) including the connection points to the main road network in the area of Wiesenstraße as well as Jenzigweg.
- Wenigenjena
B-J 29 Felsenkeller / Rathenaustraße (Jena South)
The development plan B-J 29 "Felsenkeller / Rathenaustraße" includes plans for the urban redevelopment of the site of the former brewery and the former barracks at the Westbahnhof.
- Jena-Süd
B-J 37 Middle Spitzweidenweg (Jena-North)
With the development plan B-J 37 "Mittlerer Spitzweidenweg", a former railway area north of the Saalbahnhof was overplanned and building rights were created for mixed use and commercial uses.
- Jena-Nord
B-Kn 01.1 An Kochs Graben; Behind the Spielberg (Kunitz)
The development plan B-Kn 01.1 "An Kochs Graben; Hinter den Spielberg" creates building rights for an area in a general residential area of approx. 9 ha.
- Kunitz/Laasan
B-Lb 03.1 Camburger Straße Part I 1st amendment (Löbstedt)
The development plan B-Lb 03.1 "Camburger Straße Teil I" 1st amendment (Löbstedt) creates building rights for a former military planning area, which is to be given a new use.
- Löbstedt
B-Lo 03A Lobeda-Süd LS 1 (Neulobeda)
The development plan B-Lo 03A Lobeda-Süd LS1 creates valid building law for a commercial area integrated into the landscape, which stands out especially due to its convenient location.
- Neulobeda