VBB-J 46 "dotSource Campus" (Jena Center)
Application and initiation
- Application to initiate a procedure for the preparation of a development plan: 18.11.2021
- Initiation decision (resolution no. 22/1297-BV(link is external)) by the city council: 23.02.2022
- Publication of the initiation resolution in the official gazette of the city of Jena no. 15/22 (PDF) from 14.04.2022
Preliminary draft of the development plan
- Public announcement of the early notification of the public in accordance with Section 3 (1) BauGB in the official gazette of the City of Jena No. 18/22 (PDF) dated 05.05.2022
- Early notification of the public in accordance with Section 3 (1) BauGB from 16.05. - 01.06.2022
- Early involvement of the authorities and other public bodies in accordance with Section 4 (1) BauGB from 10.05. - 01.06.2022 with letter dated 10.05.2022
Draft of the development plan
- Approval of the draft development plan and decision to lay it out (resolution no. 23/1875-BV(link is external)) by the city council on 19.04.2023
- Local announcement of the publication on the Internet in the official gazette of the city of Jena no. 18/23 (PDF) of 04.05.2023
- Publication of the draft development plan on the internet in accordance with Section 3 (2) BauGB from 11.05. - 23.06.2023
- Participation of the authorities and other public bodies in accordance with Section 4 (2) BauGB from 11.05. - 23.06.2023 with letter dated 10.05.2023
Consideration, statutes and legal force
- Decision on consideration (resolution no. 24/2379-BV(link is external)) by the city council on 20.03.2024
- Resolution on the articles of association (resolution no. 24/2380-BV(link is external)) by the city council in accordance with Section 10 BauGB on 20.03.2024
- Legal force through public announcement in the official gazette of the city of Jena no. 33/24 (PDF) dated 15.08.2024
Plan content
dotSource Headquarter GmbH is the developer of the new construction project described below on the site known as the "former fire station" and "old gasworks".
The plan is to demolish the existing buildings and construct an attractive and future-oriented building complex with the dotSource company headquarters, new apartments, commercial space, retail outlets, restaurants, an underground parking garage and a multifunctional building used exclusively by dotSource SE for internal events, presentations and exhibitions.
It is planned to construct a 6-storey base building as the company headquarters with pure office use. Retail and restaurant space is also planned on the first floor of the base building to strengthen the inner-city retail situation and local supply. The 16-storey residential tower adjoins the base building in the south-western area. The "Digital Art Park" is planned in the south-eastern area of the site, which will be designed as a public and attractive town square. In addition, a free-standing two-storey multifunctional building is planned as a company-internal, cultural and interactive meeting place in the southern area of the site.
Realization status
Preparatory construction measures are currently underway. It is planned to complete the project by 2029. [As of August 2024]
Important note
The attached planning documents are for information purposes only. Only the legally binding copy of the plan, which can be viewed at the Urban Planning Department, is authoritative.
Expert reports and expert opinions prepared in connection with the development plan procedure can be found in draft resolution no. 23/1875-BV(link is external). The main contents and statements from these were incorporated into the planning process.