Residential city monitoring
Jena's housing market is largely under pressure due to the positive population trend and the high demand for housing. In some areas, demand exceeds supply.
In addition to providing sufficient housing, the city has set itself the task of further developing the quality of housing on offer in Jena in line with the changing demand for desirable residential locations, apartment sizes and furnishing standards as well as rental prices.
Regular monitoring & establishment of the housing industry working group
In order to better assess actual developments on the housing market and to develop a strategic basis for long-term planning, the city of Jena has been monitoring the housing market on an ongoing basis since 2002. This monitoring - supported by the AG Wohnungswirtschaft - incorporates data from 25,249 apartments in the housing companies' portfolios.
Against the backdrop of a housing vacancy rate of over 10 % at the time, the city administration has been working intensively on the issue of housing since 2001. Coordinated action was necessary and for this reason the AG Wohnungswirtschaft was founded. In 2013, the housing industry working group celebrated its 10th anniversary. This was honored with a public event. The speakers' presentations are available for download.
The current common goal is to strengthen the quality and quantity of existing and new housing construction and to respond to the various needs and special requirements of the different target groups.
Statements on the development of housing demand and supply are made for the city as a whole and for the planning area, forecasts on future market development are drawn up and recommendations for action are derived. These results are continuously evaluated and reviewed in an annual monitoring process and documented in the "Wohnstadt Jena" concept (-> Downloads). The current monitoring for 2023 was published in January 2024.
Members of the AG Housing Industry
- Jena City Council, Urban Development Department, Integrated Social Planning, Statistics
- Jenawohnen GmbH
- Carl Zeiss eG housing cooperative
- Heimstätten-Genossenschaft Jena eG
- Jenaer Baugenossenschaft eG
- Local housing cooperative eG
- Housing cooperative Lobeda-West e.G.
- Housing cooperative "Unter der Lobdeburg" eG
- Housing cooperative Saaletal Jena e.G.
- Ernst-Abbe-Siedlungs GmbH
- Thuringia Student Union
- Stadtwerke Energie Jena-Pößneck GmbH
- Jena Tenants' Association
- Jenaer Bündnis für Familie
Planning areas
Jena's urban area is divided into six planning areas, which in turn are subdivided into statistical districts (map is available for download):
- Alt- and Neulobeda
- East
- North
- West/Center
- Winzerla
- Localities